Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Reason above Reality

I am finishing up reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". Near the end, Robert Kiyosaki states that you need to have a Reason to do what you're doing above the reality of what the world gives you. In essence, your reason for doing what you do will need to be strong enough to get you through the times when reality sets in. He is really talking about our "Why". Why are we doing real estate. He says to make a list of the things that you don't want in your life, and that will help generate al ist of wants in your life. Here is what I quickly jotted down.
Don't Wants

  • To neglect my wife
  • To miss my children's lives
  • To become anti-social, absorbed in work, etc.
  • To work for the rest of my life
  • To live for each paycheck
  • To go to work when I'm told to
  • To do what I'm told to do
  • To set a bad example for my children
  • To have a mid-life crisis because I didn't do anything of worth


  • To spend as much time as I can with family and friends
  • To have the means and opportunities to give gifts and opportunities to family and friends
  • To choose my daily activities
  • To set myself up so that in a few years, "work" will not be necessary
  • To never have to wonder if I can pay the bills
  • To never have to wonder if my parents can afford their retirement
  • To leave my children a great example and a secure financial future
  • To have freedom to travel at will
  • To have the ability and means to help meet the needs of suffering around the world

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